Monday, March 23, 2009

To Gruene and Back

This passed weekend my friends and I took a ride down to Gruene, Texas. That is pronounced green if your not from these parts. This is one of my favorite rides in the area, it has lots of curves and when you get out on Hamilton pool road the traffic is lite. Once you're there let your throttle open up and enjoy the ride, the scenery is great and the twisties keep you leaned over and having a good time.
The plan was to head over to Gruene, have lunch at the Grist Mill restaurant and do a little shopping and then make the run home. Gruene is a great little town, it has a lot of history, if your a history buff you could spend quite a bit of time looking around at all the historical markers and old buildings. The other thing about Gruene is that it has had many a famous person through it. The movie Michael with John Travolta was filmed at the Gruene Dance Hall, also any Texan knows that Gruene Hall is where George Strait started out.
After we ate and walked around a bit we headed over to the Dealer just around the corner from where we were at to see if there was anything there was we couldn't live without. From there we took River Road and then hit the Devils Backbone on our way back home. It was a great ride, great weather and great friends. Can you think of a better way to spend the day?
Route Map

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rattle Snake Round-up

Well it was time for our yearly pilgrimage up to SweetWater Texas for the annual rattle snake round-up, not just any round-up it's the worlds largest one. As we packed our cats were protesting our trip and did everything they could to prevent us from packing, including sitting on our luggage.
This year like last year our plan was to run up there on the ol' iron horse. Days before we were to leave the weather was BEAUTIFUL! Seventies during the day and clear blue skies. However, it never fails, every year the weather is great before and after the round up and this year was no exception.

The 4 days we were there in sweet water it was cold and rainy. It was horrible weather to be riding in, however we braved the weather and went up to visit friends and family anyway. We showed up on Thursday and we were lucky cause it was only cold and there was a break in the rain, however our friends Mike and Clyde (Tanya) went up on Friday and it rained on them all the way up. We were promised blue skies on Saturday for the ride we took out to Odessa however it was gray and cloudy all day until we started to head back to the hotel.
While we were in Odessa we stopped by the HD dealer there (of course) to see if they had anything that we couldn't live without. Turns out, we road for an 1.5 hours in the cold and didn't buy anything. After the HD shop we went to the Petroleum Museum and looked around outside, cause it was already closed by the time we got there. On site at the museum is one of the oldest wells in the permium basin, Santa Rita #2. Midland/Odessa is also the home town of G.W. Bush.
After looking around the outside of the museum we grabbed a bit to eat and then headed back to the hotel where we warmed ourselves with some whiskey and good conversation.
Sunday was uneventful, we ate breakfast with the in-laws and then headed home. This time at least the weather was nice. More pics of the trip are here.
Until next time keep the rubber side down.