Monday, November 2, 2009

Dinosaur Valley

It has been a long time since I have been able to get outta town and go for a decent ride. Main contributing factor to this was the fact that I just got divorced and have been dealing with that but that is another topic all together. This past weekend was too PERFECT! It all started on Friday when I went by my friend Mike's house to visit and found out that he and his ol' lady canceled their trip to the coast due to heavy rain fall, so we made plans to head out in the morning to make a run up to Glen Rose and see Dinosaur Valley state park. We all met around 8:00 and by 8:30 or so we were on the road. Our plan was to take the direct route straight up to the park and then in the afternoon take the twisty back roads home. When we met the temperature gauge was reading 42 degree's so needless to say it was a tad bit chilly when we hit the road. We got on the road and headed north about 20 miles into the trip I pulled up to Tanya and basically was distracting her telling her it was coooold which caused her to drift over to the shoulder of the road and almost lose control. I was FREAKING out but being the good rider that she is, she was able to save it. It was defiantly a pucker moment for everyone. After that the rest of the trip was uneventful and went smoothly all the way to the park. When we got to the park we found out that the tracks were not visible due to the recent rain that we've been having. A little disappointed we went into the park got a ride patch took a few photo's and when hiking on some of the trails. About this time we were all starting to get a little hungry so we found a place in Glen Rose to eat. After that Mike took us down some of the twisty back roads on the way home. The weather was absolutely perfect for a ride, it warmed up to mid 70's and sunshine. What a great day to be riding...

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