Friday, November 20, 2009

Bike Night...

Thursday night, bike night, noche del motos, Guys night out, noche de los hombres... Whatever you want to call it, in my opinion it is the BEST night of the week. It is the time when myself and all my friends get to go out and laugh, tell stories, joke around and in general have a great time enjoying each others company. Last night was no exception, I headed up to one of our local watering holes to meet the boys and when I took the exit off the highway the sky's opened up and I got soaked for the last mile of my ride. I am usually not the first person that show's up so it was very surprising to me that I got there before everyone else. I figured they chickened out cause of the rain and when I pulled up and noticed no one else was there I yelled some profanity to myself which caught the attention of everyone on the patio... whoops....
I went in and ordered a drink and visited with some of the regulars there at the bar and waited for everyone to show.
Everyone showed up and there were shots, drinks, wings, good lies and great stories. Once the last call happened it was time to be moving on. A smaller group of more rambunctious individuals decided to head south into Austin to hit another bar. When we got there one of my brothers ROBERT CONTRERAS :) had the unfortunate luck of dropping his bike and of course us being the great friends we are took pictures so we can tease him about from now until he dies. Note: I can do this cause I dropped my bike and told on myself when we took our trip to Arkansas see here
Anyway, the bike was fine and more importantly Robert was fine.
We hung out at this bar for like an hour or so watching the locals interact with each other. It is so much fun to people watch. After a while we started getting pretty board so it was time to leave. We all decided that after the holiday's we will be going to downtown Austin for the after party cause it is way more interesting. Apparently last time when I missed the after party there were fights, arrests and public intoxication downtown...what a great time!
Next was breakfast at I-hop and then it was time to head home. I ended up riding the last 15 miles of my trip home in the rain... But I wouldn't have change a thing.
I love bike night... I love my friends, they are my rock.
There are more pics here.
Till next time, keep the rubbers on the road.

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